Belait Shipping : Helping Brunei Blossom
From philanthropy and charitable efforts to employee and enterprise empowerment, the local entrepreneurial success story that is Belait Shipping is helping to build a better future for the Darussalam.
Puma Energy Papua New Guinea : Energising Communities in PNG
Empowering SMEs, investing in individuals and infrastructure, and delivering a complete fuel solution to urban and rural communities alike, Puma Energy PNG continues to take great pride in being a local socioeconomic stalwart.
Chip Mong INSEE Corporation : A Cambodian Champion
CMIC brings a can-do attitude to Cambodian cement by assisting the country with quality products, community care and a local emphasis. Nicolas George, CEO, explains the motive behind this mandate.
Tawap Kamen Investment Group : Empowering PNG
Tawap Kamen Investment Group is helping to pave the way for Papua New Guinea’s resource-led development, backing major projects with exemplary service and unrivalled experience.
ZTE : Grabbing a Network Slice
“The most exciting part of 5G is connecting things,” comments Tu Jiashun, Principal Scientist at Chinese telecoms equipment producing giant ZTE. “5G not only creates value for the current telco industry but also opens up opportunities for the digital transformation of other vertical industries, or enterprises.
Gilbert Houngbo on India’s Agrarian Development
IFAD President, Gilbert Houngbo, outlines the development of agriculture in India and how to ensure its success.
Asia Outlook Issue 43 | APAC Outlook Magazine
Asia Outlook Issue 43, the B2B magazine for c-suite business leaders and executives across the APAC region.
Countdown to 6th Mining Investment Asia in Singapore
We discuss the 6th Mining Investment Asia in Singapore, South East Asia’s largest mining conference and exhibition.