Editorial Team

The Editorial team at APAC Outlook Magazine is a team of professional in-house editors led by Jack Salter, Head of Editorial at Outlook Publishing.
2106 Business Articles

Asia Outlook Issue 25 | APAC Outlook Magazine

Asia Outlook Issue 25, the B2B magazine for c-suite business leaders and executives across the APAC region.

Efacec Singapore Partners with Two Leading Banks in Asia

Efacec Singapore (Efacec), part of Körber Logistics Systems, is proud to announce two separate partnerships with leading Asian banking institutions in the region.

Emerging Markets and the Future of LNG

This year marks the largest for LNG trade in the industry’s history, though Japanese import prices fell drastically between January and December 2015.

World’s Largest LNG Market Welcomes Foremost Gas Event

In April 2017, senior business leaders and policy makers will gather in Tokyo, Japan to attend Gastech, the world’s leading gas and LNG event.

Papua New Guinea Petroleum & Energy Summit

The inaugural Papua New Guinea Petroleum & Energy Summit is the only strategic event endorsed by the Ministry of Petroleum & Energy and fully backed by the Government of Papua New Guinea.

IoT Asia 2017 Preview

IoT Asia 2017 continues to provide insights for 4,500 attendees across the entire IoT value chain, addressing the interests of technology solution providers and enablers as well as end-user and potential IoT technology adopters across multiple industries.

ASEAN’s IoT Leaders to Gather in Singapore

ASEAN’s IoT and Machine to Machine (M2M) leaders will gather in Singapore during February, for the 12th edition of Asia IoT Business Platform.

Canadian Solar Power Sale

Canadian Solar Inc. announced that CSI New Energy Holding Co. has completed the sale of two solar power plants in Jiangsu Province, China to Shenzhen Energy Nanjing Holding Co.