PT Saka Energi Indonesia : The Power to Discover

Nicholas KernanEditorial Team

PT Saka Energi Indonesia is perfectly positioned as the preferred partner to develop Indonesia’s oil & gas industry on both a national and international level.


As a wholly-owned subsidiary of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara – Indonesia’s largest natural gas transportation and distribution Company – Saka Energi was established on 27 June, 2011, with the aim of securing long-term gas supplies for PGN.

“At present Saka is managing 10 PSCs in Indonesia and one shale gas block in the US,” explains Tumbur Parlindungan, Chief Executive Officer of PT Saka Energi Indonesia. “Three of the aforementioned are fully operated by Saka, holding a 100 percent interest stake in Pangkah PSC, South PSC and Wokam II PSC.”

Despite its success in the past six years, the Company is no stranger to adversity, having to compile strategies which would combat the difficult times faced by the oil & gas industry. The decline in oil prices was still impacting companies in 2016 but Saka faced this troubling time with calm perseverance and the implementation of a confident business strategy.

“While focusing on improving our performance on all fronts, we had to work positively towards achieving our long-term goals,” continues Parlindungan. “This hard work and perseverance was rewarded with several successes in 2016, with our sound liquidity allowing for the flexibility to implement an optimum funding strategy to fuel growth in the Company.”

The past year has subsequently brought many awards for the Company, including: Continued Exploration Efforts Award, a Tata Biwara Utama Award, a Patra Nirbhaya Karya Pratama Award, and the Best Performance in Offshore Workover and Well Services; all of which strengthens its position as a leader in the market.


Saka Energi consistently demonstrates commitment to the development of the oil & gas industry; its efforts having been greatly rewarded with numerous other awards over the years too.

“Saka Energi recently received an award from SKK Migas, for the achievement of Best Performance in the Offshore Workover and Well Services 2016 category,” explains Parlindungan. “The award was given to us on the day that SKK Migas held the Drilling Survey and Workover Coordination meeting on 13 December, 2016.”

The Company took first place, having been up against 128 Production Sharing Contracts (PSCs) that were also evaluated in this category, judged on the following criteria: programme fulfilment, working days fulfilment, communication, report, cost, production gain and realisation.

“During the award ceremony, represented by Mr. Indan Handono, Drilling & Completion Manager, we received a certificate for the compilation of our efforts towards the award,” adds Parlindungan. “During our 2016 campaign, 28 well-intervention and two workover jobs were completed, with a resulting 15 percent production gained which was higher than the production target originally set, and all of the jobs were both delivered on time and within budget.

“Both our performance and commitment in these workover and well-intervention programmes are the key elements to our success. After being given this award, the Company is really pushing on to continue our upward trajectory in 2017. With both the combination of our commitment and strong team, this vision will result in great improvement for the Company.”


PT Saka Energi Indonesia is fully committed not only to its direct market, but also focuses a lot of energy on engaging in sustainable development with the local communities that it operates in. Therefore, it ensures that the Company has a truly beneficial impact on the community, local economy and the surrounding environments.

“We created a corporate social responsibility road map to cover the entire scope of the work the Company was hoping to undertake,” adds Parlindungan. “The subsectors these are defined in are economic development, education, health and the environment.”

Community learning centres (Sanggar Belajar) have been established in multiple villages, including Ujungoangkah, Gresik, Waru, Penajam and Paser Utara. Going way beyond just acting as a community learning centre, the Sanggar Belajar aims to drive a sense of empowerment to live a sustainable and independent life.

Parlindungan describes: “At present more than 120 children have accessed the programme and more than 60 children have received educational support via the Snaggar Belajar, mainly in Ujungpangkah.”

The programme has also provided the distribution of technology to schools in Penajam Paser Utara and Gresik, providing them with 40 computers.

Not only has the Company made significant improvements to educational facilities in the area, but it has also implemented massive improvements to levels of sanitation which was in very poor condition. Saka’s programme focuses on enabling the community to both reduce waste and make significant improvements to the community.

Parlindungan adds: “Our programme looks at how the community can reduce waste and improve the community through ‘Bank Sampah’, using organic waste treatment, instilling ‘reuse-recycle-reduce’ training for the community, and establishing community gardens in Manyar Sidomukti, Manyar Sidorukun, Manyarejo and Gresik.”


Moving forward from the success of Saka Energi’s past few years, the Company is focusing its efforts on exploration and development, with many projects in the pipeline which will set it up well for the remainder of this year and beyond.

Parlindungan concludes: “We are working hard to produce the best technology, using the options available to us locally which enable us to improve efficiency at a very competitive price. We work within a mandate from our parent Company which means at present we can only work within Indonesia and the US.”

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