Sealink Asia : The Global Integrated Service Provider
Sealink Asia is looking to leverage its reputation as the very first integrated service provider for oil & gas in Asia to enhance its international notoriety even further.
Mah Sing Group Berhad : Sustainability Surpasses Demand
Mah Sing Group Berhad is looking to maintain its focus on providing affordable homes to the mass market segment in 2015 as it continues to enforce its position as Malaysia’s leading property developer.
Global Transit Communications : Connecting Asia to the World
Established in 2005, Global Transit Communications has evolved from a Malaysian ISP provider into a rapidly growing telecommunications company that specialises in connecting the ASEAN region to the rest of the world.
CSF Group : Cutting-Edge Turnkey Solutions
Since inception in 1991, CSF Group has been a familiar face in Malaysia’s data centre scene, evolving from a small computer room facilities builder into a fully-fledged data centre solutions provider with three commercial-sized data centres under its management.
NTT MSC Sdn Bhd : Fulfilling Global Cloud Visions
NTT Communications, a long distance and international communications and ICT solution provider of NTT (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation), is one of the world’s largest telecommunications providers with subsidiaries and offices in 123 cities across 43 countries, connecting networks to 196 countries around the world.
InterOil Corporation : Energising Asia
InterOil Corporation is partnering with one of the world’s major LNG players to develop one of Papua New Guinea’s most significant projects.
Jian Huang Group : Leading Construction Professionals
Since 1996, Jian Huang Group has built an impressive portfolio of construction projects which are known for their high quality finishes and timely delivery.
Lian Beng Group : Laying The Foundations
Lian Beng Ltd remains cautiously optimistic of its core construction business, which promises to provide a sustainable flow of construction activities through to the end of 2017 via an impressive order book of S$821 million, as at November 2014.
Opus Offshore : Simple is Best
Opus Offshore is on the brink of a major industry breakthrough as its four drill ships gear up for an inevitable rise in the oil & gas market over the next 18 months.
Angkor Hospital For Children : Treatment, Education, Prevention
Angkor Hospital for Children (AHC) is an independent, non-profit medical facility that is committed to providing quality healthcare to impoverished children in the Siem Reap area of Cambodia.
KPJ Healthcare : Nurturing Malaysia’s Healthcare Potential
Established more than 33 years ago, KPJ Healthcare Berhad Group (KPJ) currently operates 25 hospitals in Malaysia, two hospitals in Indonesia, one hospital in Bangladesh and a sizeable share in a hospital in Thailand.
McThai : Global Brand with Local Reach
McThai is rolling out an unrivalled localisation strategy to enhance market saturation.
Angkor Hospital For Children : Treatment, Education, Prevention
Angkor Hospital for Children exists as a centre for excellence in paediatric healthcare that provides much needed quality medical care to Cambodians in need.
Reliant : Delivering Beyond Customer Expectations
The seven operating companies of Reliant have helped manifest a one-stop shop for its increasing, international portfolio of customers as it continues to take the Asian oil & gas industry by storm.
HWA Seng Builder : World-Class Standards
With a long-term goal to become more involved in some of Singapore’s major infrastructure projects, Hwa Seng Builder strives to emerge as a leader in civil engineering.