Specialising in advancing urbanised innovation and developing sustainability solutions within the vast architectural landscape, McGregor Coxall continues to shape a better world.
Existing as a sprawling maze of complex living entities, today’s cities and urban regions embody the aspirations and spirit of our diverse cultures. Dynamic and ever-mutating, the world’s intricately built environments are witnessing constant social and political evolution.
Incorporating bio-city research, digital analysis and the most advanced consultation methods, McGregor Coxall collaborates with its clients to find solutions for addressing complex urban challenges.
Using its impressive bio-urbanism platform, McGregor Coxall assists a diverse range of private and public clients in developing and enabling policies, urban strategies and implementation guides.
Furthermore, utilising this advisory skillset, the breadth of the company’s portfolio now encompasses metropolitan planning, precinct regeneration and place activation. Inclusive to this wealth of processes, McGregor Coxall delivers design services that unite a multitude of varied parties to deliver mutually beneficial outcomes for clients, communities and the environment.
McGregor Coxall exists today as a multi-disciplinary design firm located in both Australia and the UK.
Combining its considerable international expertise and an extensive bank of experience, with carefully garnered local knowledge and strategic sensitivities, the company provides design solutions for complex urban and environmental challenges. This is a process that has been built on the understanding of how vital positive spaces can elevate cities, towns, and new metropolitan developments.
Also, crucial to maintaining the highest standards possible, the working culture at McGregor Coxall blurs the boundaries between design and engineering. This allows the company to effortlessly integrate elite technical and design excellence, while weaving culture, ecology, and artistic elements into its innovative designs.
Such premium levels of design found in the built and natural environments that McGregor Coxall works in are achieved through a close and seamless working relationship, shared and nurtured with its clients and project teams. Boasting extensive experience in multi-disciplinary projects, these teams ensure the highest level of cohesion across the project delivery team, design leadership and chain of sub-consultants.
Utilising these advantageous assets, McGregor Coxall is on a mission to consistently create exceptional and sustainable outcomes for its clients. This is achieved through its multidisciplinary team which successfully combines a wide range of expertise across landscape architecture, urban design, and environment design, underpinned by an array of enterprise geospatial information products to help its clients achieve and exceed their overarching goals. The company carries out this process safely and cohesively for every new project, whatever the challenge and location.

Landscape architecture possesses the enviable power to facilitate meaningful, sustainable connections between people and places. Furthermore, as cities compete across a global stage to retain talent in the knowledge economy, the quality of their public space offering is used as a key measure of their liveability as the sum of factors pertains to the quality of life.
In this way, every great city has active public spaces that play the part of becoming a stage for vibrant urban life.
McGregor Coxall’s landscape architecture services deploy robust design solutions that deliver such beneficial development and conservation legacies. This is achieved through embracing the notion that intelligent regenerative design intervention can produce definable economic, social, and ecological benefits to enhance both cities and communities.
The global trend towards increased urbanisation brings challenges and opportunities to our collective natural environment. Worldwide, a growing number of prosperous cities are embracing these opportunities by utilising green infrastructure technologies to produce renewable energy and nurture biodiversity within their boundaries. This is being carried out with the aim of reducing carbon intensity and maintaining healthy ecologies, which will be incredibly beneficial to global human health.
Diligent in playing its part in this transition, McGregor Coxall provides environmental services to the water and energy sectors. Supported by its bio-city research, the company assists private and public clients to set targets, develop policies, and prepare environmental plans.
Alongside this, McGregor Coxall is increasingly incorporating technologically advanced engineering and ecological sciences, as a systems-based design approach enhances the resilience of urban, rural and natural environments.
The water-sensitive urban design (WSUD) solutions that the company creates are deployed across regions, cities, and catchments to assist clients and communities in mitigating water scarcity, flooding and stormwater pollution.
Integrating geospatial data, 3D terrain modelling and 3D hydraulic analysis, McGregor Coxall creates science-based land use capability mapping to support its effective master planning services.

The company’s brand-new Bio-urbanism Lab takes the form of McGregor Coxall’s R&D arm, tasked with hosting a dedicated focus to intensify resilience in cities. This is achieved via a formidable combination of data-driven modelling and advanced design research.
Recognising the need of many cities to embrace smart solutions to tackle shared global challenges, McGregor Coxall initially established its Bio-city Research Lab in 2006. Reborn once again as the Bio-urbanism Lab in 2022, the company now develops insights through spatial digital twins using advanced location intelligence modelling and geospatial technologies.
Moreover, McGregor Coxall expertly collates data-led practice acts as the validation behind resilient landscape architecture, urban design, and engineering practices globally.
Similarly, the Bio-urbanism Lab is led by a team of specifically recruited academics and practitioners who possess the ability to solve complicated urban problems through the careful application of computational methods within the design process.
In its work with governments, academia, and public and private sectors, McGregor Coxall’s constantly evolving interdisciplinary ethos and vast knowledge economy are vital in building a less carbon-intensive, better informed, and more prosperous future one project at a time.