Suzlon Energy Australia : Powering a Greener Tomorrow
Suzlon Energy Australia (SEA) has been a breath of fresh air for the Australian wind energy market, as CEO, Tejjas Parmar, tells us.
EGL – The Environmental Group Limited : Solutions for the Environment Economy
Environmental Group Limited (EGL) is cleaning up Australia’s act in pollution and waste management. Driving the circular economy with solutions-based environmental services, CEO Jason Dixon tells us more.
Tango Energy : Energising a Cleaner Australia
As the retail arm of Pacific Hydro Australia, CEO of Victoria-based Tango Energy, Domenic Capomolla, examines providing low cost, simple energy solutions designed for a cleaner conscience.
Osmoflo : Bespoke Water Solutions
A world-class water solutions provider of global proportions, Chief Operating Officer of Osmoflo, Carmine Ciccocioppo, examines innovation and supporting Australia’s hydrogen sector.
Essential Energy : Australia’s Energy Transformation
Delivering essential electricity network services to nearly 900,000 homes, David Salisbury, Executive Manager of Engineering at Essential Energy, discusses the evolution of the utilities sector in Australia today.
Plus Solar Systems : Driving Sustainability in Malaysia
Ko Chuan Zhen, co-founder and CEO of Plus Solar Systems, discusses how the company became a major force in clean energy solutions.
Integrated Facility Solutions (IFS) : Facilitating Thailand
Bangkok based facility solutions firm Integrated Facility Solutions talks about expansion and adapting to customer demand.
Blueleaf Energy : Harness the Sun, Transform the Future
Sol Proops, CEO at Blueleaf Energy, discusses the potential for exponential growth in Asia’s renewable sector and discusses sustainability.
Trident Water Systems : The Water Guardian
Trident Water Systems is determined to impart sound, sustainable practice into industrial wastewater activities across Asia.
Total Solar Distributed Generation : Leading the Solar Charge
Total Solar Distributed Generation has doubled capital investment and ramped up revenues 30 times over the past 18 months.