China Mobile and Nokia Showcase 5G-Enabled Robot Collaboration at #MWC16

Editorial Team
China Mobile and Nokia Showcase 5G-Enabled Robot Collaboration at #MWC16

China Mobile and Nokia Networks have unveiled a 5G-enabled synchronised collaboration of robots at Mobile World Congress 2016 this week in Barcelona that demonstrates the application reach of the new technology.

5G networks will address important aspects of industry automation, helping to create fully automated and flexible production systems and increasing overall manufacturing and logistics productivity.

The joint demonstration shows potential 5G applications in machine-to-machine communications in the industrial automation era. The ultra-low latency system is used as a communication platform connecting the robots to a central server, resulting in fast and synchronised collaboration to balance a ball on a moving platform. Once the user moves a ball in any direction, the robots coordinate and react to keep to ball at its pre-defined location.

Huang Yuhong, Vice President of China Mobile Research Institute, said: “5G, with the key features of ultra high capacity, ultra low latency, high reliability and low power consumption, will make the impossible use cases of today the realities of tomorrow. Autonomous manufacturing with massive use of robots is one such use case. 5G will provide the network infrastructure for the China Manufacturing 2025 initiative.”

Closed-loop control applications in industry automation will require virtual zero latency and high reliability to prevent equipment failure, production interruption, or even loss of life. 5G will provide this, meaning manufacturing industries will be better equipped to achieve their productivity targets through a unified, computing infrastructure instead of today’s fragmented industrial standards.

China Mobile and Nokia Networks have partnered together on multiple occasions in the past to bring the biggest and best technologies to the fore.

Mike Wang, President of Greater China of Nokia Networks, General Manager of Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell and head of the Joint Management Team, Nokia Networks China and ASB said: “As one of the first 5G strategic partners with China Mobile, we work together on the research, standardisation and industrialisation of key 5G features. The robots collaboration demonstration is the first time both parties are jointly showing a 5G use case. In the future, we will explore more possibilities that 5G will bring to different industries and our lives, to jointly develop the programmable world.”

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