Build Myanmar 2016

Editorial Team
Build Myanmar 2016

Build Myanmar 2016, is a regional trade event arranged in an intimate conducive hotel ballroom setting gathering exhibiting companies from Singapore, Thailand, Korea, Japan, Indonesia, India, Malaysia and Myanmar showcasing the latest products and brands from the region which aims to connect business relationships for those in the building and infrastructure industry.

The event will be showcasing the latest in building and infrastructure equipment and technology from around the region with more than 90 percent of the exhibiting companies coming from overseas in fields of concrete, HVACR, PPVC, Audio/LED lighting, and more.

Build Myanmar 2016 is the exhibition supporting Myanmar’s rapid infrastructure development and growth, providing solutions from the start to the completion of a development project. The exhibition comprises five specialised show categories to meet your needs:

  • Showcase and seminar on concrete products, equipment, and technology
  • Tunnelling and underground construction educational seminars
  • Heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration products and solutions for facilities
  • Pumps, pipes, valves, and compressors equipment, and services
  • Retail and hospitality fittings for developments and facilities

Visit Build Myanmar 2016 from 10–12 November, 2016 at Inn Gyin Ballroom, Rose Garden Hotel to: View latest equipment & solutions for your projects; Network with foreign exhibitors and local industry players; Gain insights and learn from experts at seminars and workshops; and to create and expand future business opportunities


Visit to attend informational seminars and workshops at BUILD Myanmar 2016. Hear from industry leaders who will be sharing their experience and best practices in the following topics:

  • Myanmar Construction Outlook and Concrete Technology
  • Responsible Pest Management: How to Value-Add to Agriculture/Urban Landscape
  • Building Electricity’s Safety & Environmental Concerns
  • Tunnelling and Underground Construction
  • Refrigeration Considerations for Different Facilities

Date: 10-12 November, 2016

Venue: Inn Gyin Ballroom, Rose Garden Hotel, Myanmar


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The Editorial team at APAC Outlook Magazine is a team of professional in-house editors led by Jack Salter, Head of Editorial at Outlook Publishing.