Business Insights

Business insights from featured businesses, industry titans, sector disruptors, c-suite executives, founders, and experts across the APAC region.

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Latest Business Insights

China Calls for More Skilled Workers, Less Graduates

In a call for more skilled workers, China now has a new approach to fixing its problems in the education system.

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China Manufacturing Sector Expands for first time in 6 Months

Recent studies have shown that China’s manufacturing activity has expanded for the first time in six months in June.

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Singapore Identifies Business Opportunities in Africa

The trade agency IE Singapore urges more Singapore business to look to Africa for opportunities beyond the traditional emerging regional markets.

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Investment Profile – Philippines

Asia Outlook takes a closer look at the Philippines and profiles their business and investment potential.

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Recording the Growth of Singapore’s Media Industry

Singapore’s media industry is charting strong growth as one of the fastest growing sectors in Asia.

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Huawei Signs Benchmark Deal with Euler Hermes

Euler Hermes, the global leader in trade credit insurance, and Huawei, a leading global ICT solutions provider, announced an agreement to cover the trade receivables for Huawei’s consumer device business in Europe.

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China and Greece sign US$4.6 Billion Trade Investment Deals

On 19th June, Greece and China signed over a dozen trade and investment deals with an approximated worth of $4.6 billion (€3.4 billion).

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Entertaining and Educating the Next Generation

From film-makers to digital gaming developers to fiction publishers, creative content providers are turning to Asia's emerging middle class for new audiences.

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ArcelorMittal to tap China’s Car Market

The world’s leading steelmaker, ArcelorMittal, has said it will use its Chinese joint venture to tap into the country’s booming car market.

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Malaysia to Turn Oil-Palm Land into Airport City

Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd (MAHB) plans to convert some of the oil-palm plantations surrounding Kuala Lumpur’s main air terminal into attractions such as theme parks, concert halls and golf courses in order to attract businesses and visitors.

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