Local Government

Latest Local Government sector features, company profiles, and executive interviews from across APAC Region.

Local Government Corporate Stories

Melton City Council : The Backbone of Business Growth

Roslyn Wai, CEO of Australia’s fasting-growing council, explains how it is preparing the city for unprecedented growth, creating a diverse and resilient economy that is ripe for job opportunities and state-of-the-art infrastructure.

Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR)

From being the lone woman on the team to leading an AUD$27.5 billion forward programme, Julie Mitchell has always sought ways to do things differently and better in a constantly evolving world.

Kangaroo Island Council : Hopping With Optimism

Much like the large, powerful hind legs of Australia’s native animal, Kangaroo Island has a spring in its step. We talk projects and investments with Greg Georgopoulos, CEO of Kangaroo Island Council.

Melton City Council : Guiding Growth in Melbourne’s Outer West 

The City of Melton is a significant hub for development and commercial and industrial investment. We speak to members of the region’s local government about its Investment Attraction Strategy aimed at raising liveability, jobs and potential across Melton City.

Glenorchy City Council : A Vibrant Community Hub

Bec Thomas, the Mayor of Glenorchy City Council, is spearheading the development of a city close to her heart.

Singapore Logistics Association (SLA) : Spotlight

We shine a light on the Singapore Logistics Association, and the strides still to be taken to secure relevance, sustainability and competitiveness for the logistics industry.