
Explore the latest Sustainability sector features, company profiles, and executive interviews from across the APAC region.

Sustainability Corporate Stories

Singapore Takes Lead in Asia’s Water Sustainability Development

Ahead of World Water Day 2015, Singapore, with a well-protected and clean water supply has been named the top Asian city in water sustainability development.

Shanghai is Most Sustainable City in Mainland China

Shanghai ranks eighth in Asia Pacific on the inaugural Sustainable Cities Index from Arcadis, the leading global natural and built asset design and consultancy firm. 

Hong Kong : Asia-Pacific’s Most Sustainable Business Environment

Hong Kong ranks eighth on the inaugural Sustainable Cities Index from Arcadis, the leading global natural and built asset design and consultancy firm.

Singapore Firms Top Sustainability Ranks

According to the latest ranking of global corporate sustainability, companies in Singapore scored the highest marks in Asia due to the city-state’s commitment to green living.

World Environment Day

World Environment Day is the opportunity for everyone to realise the responsibility of caring for the Earth and to become agents of change.

Asia Pacific Resources International Ltd (APRIL) goes green

Asia Pacific Resources International Ltd, are pledging to change their ways as the forestry sector comes under increasing pressure from the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD).

Korea aims to cut emissions by 30 per cent

The Korean government strive to cut the country’s greenhouse gas emissions by 30 per cent by 2020, in an attempt to delay the effects of global warming.